What makes GIPS special? Beyond our amazing classrooms that focus on reading, writing and mathematics, we place a strong emphasis on incorporating many different activities to increase belonging and connection at the school.
School camp
We have a Prep to Year Six camp program at GIPS! In grades 3-6, our students attend sleep-away camp at a range of amazing campgrounds across the state. These formative experiences build lasting friendships, memories, and help students to reach outside their comfort zones. But, we don’t start in grade 3. Our Preppies start with their own camp. During the school year, they come to school on their camp day before school starts in their pyjamas and eat breakfast “camp style”. We progress that to grade 1, where our students have an evening camp on school grounds full of amazing camp activities, much like what they would experience on sleep-away camp. Then, in grade 2, to build their stamina, students participate in a 12-hour camp program ending late in the evening. We believe that camp is a major developmental milestone, so we build to it each year.
House Spirit
We have four houses at GIPS: Nettleton, Raven, Ferndale and Gardener. Our students are placed in their houses when they enrol at GIPS. Each house is led by our Grade 6 House Captains. There are many different ways we show house spirit at GIPS from events like Swimming Carnivals to Big Day In events. We love to see students getting dressed up and involved to show some house pride!

Incursions and excursions
Each grade organises incursions or excursions each term to supplement the learning in their classrooms. These are wonderful opportunities to explore new ways of learning that complement our curriculum programs.