Student wellbeing

Our approach

Students learn better when they are happy and safe

Wellbeing is at the heart of everything that we do here at GIPS. Fundamentally, we believe happy children who feel safe learn better. Our School Principal, Maddie Witter, is co-author of the Berry Street Education Program, or BSEM, and we integrate BSEM into our classes. Our approach focuses on a supportive classroom culture with strong teacher and student relationships. We explicitly teach students practical skills to ensure that they are ready for challenges they may face in life through the Resilience Project, a program we have been using since its earliest days. Our classrooms are warm and inclusive where children are ready to learn.

BSEM is an approach designed to support students’ emotional, social, and academic development. Rooted in the understanding that a student’s behaviour and learning are deeply connected to their emotional well-being, this model provides educators with tools to create safe, supportive, and engaging learning environments. It focuses on building positive relationships, fostering resilience, and equipping students with the skills they need to manage stress and regulate emotions. The model incorporates strategies for creating a sense of safety and belonging in the classroom, which ultimately enhances students’ ability to focus, engage, and achieve academic success. By integrating evidence-based practices in emotional regulation, behavioural support, and classroom management, BSEM promotes holistic development for all learners.

A dedicated and skilled team

Not only are our staff and integration aids trained in strategies to support mental health, but we also employ a school psychologist and wellbeing and inclusion leading teacher. Our team will support your child in a variety of ways based on their needs. We invite allied health professionals like Occupational Therapists to do their work at our school to support your child.


At GIPS, every child belongs. We will support every child and their needs through modifications and adjustments where necessary. We take a partnership approach, by developing a care team for your child which puts the child at the centre. If your child has a disability, and if you want to access inclusion support, simply complete the referral process below by clicking on the inclusion button. If you would like further support from our psychologist, please click on the wellbeing button below.

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