All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. They are legally formed bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within guidelines provided by the Department of Education. In doing this, a School Council is able to directly enhance the quality of education that the school provides for its students.
Glen Iris Primary School may have as many as 15 members on its School Council at any time: eight parent members, five Department of Education members plus two co-opted members. School Council members are elected for a two-year term with half retiring in alternate years, creating new vacancies each year. Elections are held in the first term of each school year.
At GIPS, the School Council meets on the third Wednesday of the month, at least twice per term. However, this date is adjusted occasionally to suit local events.
The Council consists of sub-committees with all Council Members being involved in at least one sub-committee. The current sub-committees include Finance, Education & Community Partnerships, Buildings & Environment, Communications and the Parents' Association.
All GIPS parents and teachers are encouraged to attend School Council meetings and to join these sub-committees when possible.