In our classrooms

For the start of the year, we are placing a lot of time and focus on building connections and belonging.


Our year 6 students and our Prep students have officially been matched and have already begun building their lasting friendships and relationships.

One of our improvement focusses this year is improving connection and belonging.

Morning Circles

Every day across all grades, our days are commencing with a Morning Circle. Please check in with your child to ask them about how they start their days. For instance, you might want to ask about 'Positive Primers' or what 'values' they focussed on today.

News from the art room

Year 2 students have studied the artwork of American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and his love of collage and painting. They were inspired by his fascination with anatomy to draw an x-ray image of themselves. Students enjoyed the freedom to be messy in their art, including pictures, words and symbols that expressed their humour and themselves!

In our staffroom

On 28 February, GIPS staff gathered for professional learning on ways to improve growth in our writing classrooms.

Curriculum Day with Lisa Keskinen

On Wednesday, we had a Curriculum Day where we welcomed back Lisa K. We are working closely with Lisa K so that we can drive rigour in our writing classrooms. Our teachers and integration aids spent the morning with Lisa K before planning time in the afternoon.

One of our annual improvement gaols this year is to drive writing improvement.

In our community

Our community is what makes GIPS special: our students, teachers and families who work together to help us all aim high.

Evening on the Green

Thank you to all of our volunteers and our sponsor Jellis Craig who helped us have an amazing Evening on the Green!

Student helpers

Thank you to our student volunteers who have been helping us keep our grounds neat and tidy. If you could please help us by packing lunches that don't have wrappers, we would really appreciate it.


Thank you Sarah for helping us get our new readers ready for the classroom!

Coming Up

Please look out for Compass newsfeeds soon for the upcoming events.

Working Bee 3 March

Labour Day 11 March

NAPLAN Commences Y3 and Y5 13 March

Harmony Day 21 March

Walk-a-Thon 26 March

Working bee

Please join us at the upcoming working bee.

Prep 2025 school tour bookings now open

Bookings are now open for our Prep 2025 School Tours.

Prep 2025 School Tours Now Open

Issue 2, 2024 From Maddie's Desk - 01 Mar 2024

In our staffroom

On 28 February, GIPS staff gathered for professional learning on ways to improve growth in our writing classrooms.

Maddie Witter



Curriculum Day with Lisa Keskinen

On Wednesday, we had a Curriculum Day where we welcomed back Lisa K. We are working closely with Lisa K so that we can drive rigour in our writing classrooms. Our teachers and integration aids spent the morning with Lisa K before planning time in the afternoon.

One of our annual improvement gaols this year is to drive writing improvement.