Welcome back to 2025!
Dear Glen Iris Primary School Families,
I hope this message finds you well and refreshed after a relaxing summer break. It’s wonderful to welcome back all our families, and I’d like to extend a special greeting to our new families and our new Prep students. What a fantastic start to their first year it’s been! Congratulations to our Prep students on successfully completing their first week of school – we are so proud of how well they’ve transitioned into school life.
As a school, we continue to be inspired by our vision: Growth through belonging; a community where every child thrives. We are committed to providing a community where every child thrives, and this vision is central to everything we do. To support this, we continue our focus on the critical relationship between learning and wellbeing. It is our belief that when students feel connected and supported, they are able to learn and grow to their fullest potential.
In the spirit of this, I’d like to share with you the important concepts of secure base and safe havens, which guide our approach to wellbeing throughout the year and especially in the first few weeks, which we affectionately refer to as launch.
- Safe havens refer to the nurturing environments our teachers create, where every child feels a sense of connection and belonging. It is here that students can take risks, explore their learning, and build strong relationships.
- Secure base is the foundation of clear processes and expectations that our teachers establish. This provides stability and trust, allowing students to engage in learning as part of a caring community.
Together, these principles create the framework where our students can grow, both academically and personally, in a safe and supportive environment. This year we are aiming to develop a healthy balance between our safe havens and secure bases so that our students are supported as a learning community.
As we continue to invest in the wellbeing and success of all our students, I would like to gently remind families about the importance of paying school fees. These fees help fund essential classroom materials and apps that support your child’s learning journey and learning growth. They can be conveniently paid via the Compass app. Last year, we were unable to complete some necessary upgrades due to some outstanding fees, including fixing two broken interactive whiteboards and replacing worn-out furniture. If you have any questions about school fees, please reach out to our business manager David at david.patmore@education.vic.gov.au or by phone Monday to Thursday at (03) 9885 3624. The letter from your School Council last year explains how critical your parent payments are. A Letter from School Council
Thanks to the generous contributions made to our school buildings fund in 2024, we were able to achieve some important upgrades over the holidays. The Prep building has been freshly repainted and recarpeted, creating a welcoming environment for all children and families. Additionally, the Victorian School Business Authority has confirmed that the broken awning will be repaired in week three of this term. We share your frustration with the delay to the repairs of this awning, and we are actively working with the VSBA to ensure the repair is done urgently. We look forward to the upgrade of the deck outside Mr Collopy-White's classroom so students who enjoy a quiet chat during break times will have a place to relax thanks to our Walk-a-Thon fundraising efforts last year.
I also want to remind all families that the Compass communication platform is best used via the app. I recommend downloading the app to maximise its effectiveness. Based on parent feedback last year, all newsfeeds will be kept on the app until the last day of school so you can refer to communication.
Thank you for your continued support in making Glen Iris Primary School such a wonderful place for our students to learn and grow. We look forward to another successful year ahead.
Warm regards,
Maddie Witter
In our classrooms
This week, our teachers and support staff are building safe havens and secure bases in their classrooms. From get to know you activities to postcards to their teachers, the classrooms were abuzz with students making new relationships and better understanding the GIPS classroom rules. Click through the slideshow below to see our students from Prep to Grade 6 in their classrooms.
In our staffroom

Dr Tom Brunzell, Director of the Berry Street Education Model and researcher at Melbourne University visited GIPS on Tuesday to teach us practical strategies for deepening our relationships with students. Principal Andrew Wood and the staff of Belle Vue Primary School once again joined us for our day of learning.
Dr Tom Brunzell presents internationally on topics of transforming school culture, student engagement, trauma aware practice, wellbeing and positive psychology, and effective school leadership.
His research at the University of Melbourne investigates both the negative impacts of stress and the positive impacts of wellbeing on teachers and leaders working towards educational equity in their communities.
His new book: Creating Trauma-informed Strengths Based Classrooms, co-authored with Dr Jacolyn Norrish, is now available as part of Berry Street's professional development resources and bookstore, as well as booksellers world-wide.
Berry Street Education Model School of Impact
Our very own Maddie Witter and GIPS have been featured as a school of impact with Berry Street. Read here to find out more about the work we are doing.
In our community
Alumni Still Catching Up!
Mr Kirk’s 1964 6th grade were able to catch up in December or dinner in Melbourne on the 60th Anniversary of our exit year.

Meet the Teacher Parent Teacher Conference Bookings Open Monday 3 February
Our first of two parent teacher conferences, "Meet the Teacher", will be held on 11 February. Parents have the option to either book Webex conferences between 11:30 am and 2:10 pm or Face to Face conferences between 2:20 pm and 5:50 pm with their classroom teacher. There is one booking per household. Bookings for the Meet the Teacher Conferences will open on Monday. Directions for how to book the conferences will be sent on Monday. Conferences are booked via the Compass app. Please be sure to write the conference time down when you book it. The times listed are the only times available for Meet the Teacher conferences. Each conference is ten minutes.
Students are coming home with a form today. We are asking families to please fill in the form about your child so that teachers can learn more about them. These forms are due back to classroom teachers no later than 6 February. For students who live in multiple households, teachers have additional forms available. Please ask them for an additional form.
Safe Crossing
Our crossing supervisors work hard to keep these areas safe and are supported by parking officers who patrol our school zones and issue fines to motorists who are not following these rules.
Respect crossing supervisors – they’re crucial for student safety.
- Stop walking when they whistle once. Wait away from the curb.
- Cross when they whistle twice. When instructed, walk promptly and directly across
- Kiss and Ride zones at schools are for quick drop-offs or pickups only – you have a two-minute limit, it is not a parking spot.
- Illegal parking compromises safety and risks a fine.
- Don’t double-park, stop in bus zones or park too close to the school crossing (within 20 metres before or 10 metres after it).
Adhere to parking and road rules:
Consider alternative transport: Walking or riding to school with your child is a healthy and enjoyable way to avoid congestion at drop-off or pick-up time.
School Crossing Supervisors are only there to help your children to safely cross the road. They do not enforce parking restrictions.
For more information, reply to this email or call the School Crossings Program team on 9278 4774.
Classroom Cuisine
Classroom Cuisine is back! Our orders are available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This is a friendly reminder that Uber Eats deliveries are not permitted at our school. To order from Classroom Cuisine please visit: www.classroomcuisine.com.au
Art Smocks
A friendly reminder to all families to provide an Art Smock for their child for Art classes at school. Many students have already brought in their smock which is stored in the classroom for use during Art classes. Art smocks can be old adult shirts, tops or aprons recycled from home, or a new smock can be purchased for about $10 from Officeworks, Kmart , Target etc. Please NAME your child's smock and send in with them to class. Thank you!
2025 Class Reps
We are requesting parents to volunteer as Class Reps for 2025. The role of Class Rep is an important duty which is a rewarding and vital part of our school community. The students and their teachers appreciate your support, and it’s a great way to be involved with the school.
Class Representatives duties include:
- Welcoming new families starting at the school
- Working with your class teacher to produce a roster for classroom helpers – if required
- Helping or organising helpers for any ‘house keeping’ jobs the class teacher may have
- Organising social events for your class / year level. We encourage at least one get together per term.
- Sharing communication from the school and school council with your grade.
The Class Rep co-ordination is run from the GIPS office. We will provide you with a class list, which will be updated every time a parent changes their details. If a parent sends you a change to their contact details, please pass it on to the school so that we have the same information. The school’s partnership with class reps and our parent community is one way we hope to achieve our vision: Growth through belonging, a community where every child thrives.
If you would like to volunteer as a class rep, please contact our Front Office at glen.iris.ps@education.vic.gov.au or on (03) 9885 3624.
Medication, Anaphylaxis Action Plans, and Asthma Action Plans
In line with the Department of Education policies (please see links below), we ask that all families who have children with medical needs please fill in the appropriate plans attached. If your child requires medication, please fill in the Medication Authority Form attached. If you have any questions, please contact our Front Office team. Copies of the forms are available on our Compass newsfeed or via our front office.
Administering Medication Policy: gips.vic.edu.au/uploads/Administration-of-Medication-Policy.pdf
Anaphylaxis Policy: 2024_anaphylaxis_policy.pdf
Asthma Policy: 17080524292024_asthma_policy.pdf
Sport Uniform Tops and Shorts Grades 3-6
This is a reminder about the change to Sports Uniform advised last year.
Three years ago, School Council determined that the Grade 3 – Grade 6 sports top was not SunSmart.
After consultation with the students, teachers and community, a new SunSmart Sports top and shorts were designed.
School Council decided to make this transition from the old sports uniform to the new sports uniform, a 3 year transition, beginning 2022.
Therefore, commencing at the beginning of Term 1 2025, the old-style PE top (V neck) and old-style basketball shorts, will no longer be part of the GIPS uniform.
Please find a link to the PSW website.
You will be able to utilise the $400 School Savings Bonus to assist in purchasing these new items.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus | vic.gov.au
Thanks in advance for your supporting this change.

GIPS Container Scheme
GIPS now has a container deposit scheme donation code where you can donate your 10c container refunds to the school, this is a fantastic way to recycle while also raising funds for the school.
It is an easy 3 step process:
- Collect eligible containers (can's, bottle and juice boxes) check for the 10c mark, often near the bar code HINT: you can keep lids on
- Find your refund point HINT: CDS Vic Depot Oakleigh at 37-41 Oxford St Oakleigh is close by
- Donate HINT: at the machine select "enter zone ID" and scan the GIPS barcode (the friendly depot staff can also help)
See attached poster for more information.
School Council
PSW Delivers to GIPS
The uniform provider is PSW: 12 Strathalbyn Street, Kew East 3102.
Uniforms can be ordered via the PSW Online Store.
There are 2 options available when ordering uniforms from the PSW Online Store.
For free delivery to GIPS please do the following:
- Add the school address (Glen Iris PS, 170 Glen Iris Rd, Glen Iris 3146) to the addresses in your account.
- Select this address for your account
- Select the "Click & Collect" option.
- In the shipping/order comments section, please ask for the orders to be delivered to Glen Iris PS
- You will be forced to also select the Kew store for pickup from the dropdown list, so make sure you add the comment to send it to the school instead.
Orders will be delivered to the school weekly on Monday and given to students to bring home.
Please note there will be no deliveries to the school during school holidays as there is no one available to receive orders.
If you would prefer delivery to home or a preferred location/address please select delivery method when ordering. Please note there will be a delivery charge if this method is selected.
Camps Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. It is part of making Victoria the Education State and the Government’s commitment to breaking the link between a student’s background and their outcomes.
School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are a part of a healthy curriculum.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is:
- $150 for primary school students
- $250 for secondary school students
New applicants can download the form attached download from the website below.
If you applied for CSEF at your child's school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
- new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.
- changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
Once completed, please email to the school at glen.iris.ps@education.vic.gov.au or drop a hard copy into the office. Applications CLOSE Friday 27th June, 2025.
Check with the school office if you are unsure at (03) 9885 3624.
For more information about CSEF visit:
Upcoming Dates- Please Mark Your Calendars
Preps do not attend school on this day.
Bookings will be available on Monday Meet the Teachers between 11:30am and 6:00 pm.
Preps do not attend school on this day.
Prep 2025 families, join us at 3:30 pm for a sausage sizzle.
Preps do not attend school on this day.
It's a time honoured tradition, the Evening on the Green!
For students in grades 3 and 5, NAPLAN commences and concludes on 21 March.
An annual tradition, the walk-a-thon will be held on this date.
Save the date for school photos.
School will dismiss at 2:30 pm
This is a student free day.
Join us for an assembly on the coloured squares.
Save the date for 3/4 Camp.
This is a student free day.
Bookings for interviews will open in this term from 11:30 am - 6 pm.
Save the date for grade 5/6 camp.
Our biennial Art Show is back!
Grade six families, mark your calendars for graduation.
From Team Kids
From our Third Party Providers